Humorous / Dramatic / Monologues

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    CATFISH! by Abram Sand (10-12 min.), F, Humorous


    Ruthie is in love with a man from… the internet? This humorous piece follows best friends Tierra and Ruthie as they travel to New Orleans to finally meet Ruthie’s online sweetheart, but they find out that not everyone on the web is who- or what- they say they are. Hmm, at least there’s other fish in the sea! This piece can be performed as a humorous, duet, or readers theater.

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  • Fatherhood

    Fatherhood by Stephen Mizell (10-12 min. Cut as needed, 1M) Dramatic


    Having children is a big decision. They will completely change your life. For this narrator, there was never a choice. While other kids may want to grow up to be astronauts or firefighters, he was determined to be a father. A beautiful, “careful what you wish for,” story perfect for anyone who can portray complex layered grief. A script best suited for a mature actor and audience.

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  • Survivor Kid

    Survivor Kid by Abram Sand (10-12 min. Cut as needed, M or F) Humorous or Duo


    It all started with a regular old trip to the supermarket with dad, but then calamity struck! Or at least that’s what Charlie thought…We follow the survival struggle of 6-year-old Charlie Macfarlane as he gets separated from his dad and faces the nightmare scenario that every six-year-old dreads: getting lost in the supermarket! As he scans the aisles for his father, he runs into some, er, interesting characters.

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  • Rescuing Chili

    Rescuing Chili by Stephanie Christensen ( 10-12 min. Cut as needed, 1F) Humorous or Duo


    When teenager Laura loses her brother in a car crash, she returns to his crash site every day for a month in his memory. Until one day, a rambunctious floating ghost named Jim speaks to her and asks her to help rescue his alone and forgotten puppy dog, Chili. Although Laura has trouble adjusting to Jim’s ghosty-ness, she agrees to help save the innocent pup, and along the way, finds some much-needed distraction and closure. While rescuing Chili, she may also be rescuing herself.

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  • The Dog Tags

    Dog Tags by Mike Noland (10-12 min) Dramatic


    A teenage boy who loves his dad sometimes finds it hard to connect with him. When he finds his dad’s old dog tags he wants to show them off by wearing them. His dad’s reaction is surprising, but not as surprising as the history his dad never shared with him.

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  • Cache Dash

    Cache-Dash by Abram Sand (9-12 min.,1M) Humorous


    Welcome to the GeoCache Bash, the worlds biggest geocaching competition. In this 9-12 minute humorous interpretation, duet, or readers theatre a young boy Tommy is taken under the wing of, “professional,” geocacher, Clement McPines, and learns a more than a few things about the geocache lifestyle. Along the way hallucinogenic slugs are licked, fish are talked too, and not everyone is who they appear to be…

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  • My Mother the Script Preview

    My Mother the…by Mike Noland (10-12 min. Cut as needed, 1M) Humorous


    This is the story of a typical boy, who tells a little lie to impress a girl and steals a little candy to impress his friends and it worked. Yippee! At least it did, until it all falls apart because of one person, his mom. How did she find out? Well it may have something to do with the fact that she may be a witch.

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  • The Zombies from Webster Street by Kevin Paris (10-12 min Cut as needed) M or F, Dramatic


    A young fan of a popular television series compares the trials and tribulations of the show’s characters to circumstances in their actual life. Living in a seemingly once perfect neighborhood, the young fan finds that they must combat “Zombies” of their own. The line between reality and fantasy begin to fade as the world they once knew begins to crumble. Can you survive the end of the world? It’s a question that arises and that they ultimately find answered.

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  • The Prayer by Amanda Sloan (10-12 min Cut as needed) F, Dramatic


    Being raised in the church Sally always found comfort in her faith. Church and God were the center of her life. However when she is faced with a horrific tragedy she finds herself facing more questions than comfort and must find a way to overcome the grief and pain.

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  • The Super Rangers by Stephen Mizell (10-12 min Cut as needed) M, Dramatic


    Billy loves games, toys, and his twin brother. They are inseparable, and their favorite game is Super Rangers. But today, the game does not go as planned and their lives are changed forever. A wonderful script for someone who can capture the spirit of childhood.

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  • Listen by Matt Fox (10-12 min. Cut as Needed) M Dramatic


    Everyone knows being a soldier is hard. For those who’ve witnessed the worst things imaginable, the world can never be the same again; and for those that haven’t…the least we can do is listen.

    A monologue from a soldier. He’s returned from the war, with the memories of the people he watched die during the conflict. He knows he’s killing himself drinking so much, but it’s the only thing that stops him thinking about it, in this monologue about post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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  • The Class Reunion by Stephanie Christensen (12-15 min. Cut as Needed) 7, M or F, HI


    Were you ever the outcast of the high school “scene”? Have you ever been forced to go to a class reunion that you know will go so terribly wrong? Jonathan Dunsky finds himself dealing with exactly that, attending a 15 year reunion dance that drudges up more awkward memories than he would like to remember. Yearning all his life for a place to belong and friends to trust, Jonathan must face the challenges of looking his past straight in the eye, in order to move on. However, he finds that this 15 year class reunion is even wackier than he could ever imagine. To his surprise, a place to belong could lie in the hands of the crazy weird kid Gilbert. When the two outcasts meet, Jonathan finds that they’re not so different after all.

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  • Letter of Release by Kevin Paris (10-12 min. Cut as Needed) DI


    The trauma of his childhood effects Jake as he enters adulthood and finds that he has difficulty establishing intimate relationships. Always curious about his absent father, Jake often wonders what made the man he calls Roger the way he is. During his annual summer trip to his grandmother’s house, she encourages Jake to write his father a letter. Resolution and restoration are found in the exchange of a single letter between two strangers.

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  • Second Chances by Stephanie Christensen (10-12 min Cut as needed) F, Dramatic (Copy)


    Many parents will say that their child means everything in the world to them. Therefore, the loss of a child can cripple a parent for years. After losing her adopted child during a trauma-inducing plane crash, Teresa wrestles with the process of attempting adoption again. She faces pressure from her wife, survivor’s guilt, and the implication that she is sullying the reputation of prospective parents from the LGBTQ community. In the end, she must decide if she’s ready to raise another child after losing her first one.

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  • Look Who’s Exploring Now(12-15 Min. Cut as Needed. M/M)Duo


    Set in a space-conquering future, a father and son take a road trip through space per their roles as explorers, though the son, Josh, finds it a boring task. When an encounter with a new species of aliens puts him to the test, Josh has to learn to love his destiny as a great space explorer.

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  • Joe of the Jungle by Matt Mills (12-15 Min. Cut as Needed. M or F)


    A family gets a surprise visit from their new adopted son. However, the biggest surprise is that their son is a jungle-boy with no familiarity with their world. They have to manage the culture shock while also welcoming him into their family.

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