Humorous / Dramatic / Monologues
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Joe of the Jungle by Matt Mills (12-15 Min. Cut as Needed. M or F)
$12.00A family gets a surprise visit from their new adopted son. However, the biggest surprise is that their son is a jungle-boy with no familiarity with their world. They have to manage the culture shock while also welcoming him into their family.
Things Changed by Linda Oatman(10-12 min. Cut as Needed. M) High-Poem
$7.00Things Changed is a poetic recitation of the lynchings which occurred in the 1950s. Recalling the events that led up to a tragedy that repeated itself much too often throughout America’s history, the poem reflects upon the changes brought to the Civil Rights movement in the past half of a century.
Chains by Stephanie Christensen(12-15 min) Dramatic
$7.00The United States currently has the second highest incarceration rate in the world. Each day U.S. prisons get fuller. A huge contributor to this high incarceration rate is the stringent laws against drug possession. Centering around Alexandra Drake, an up-and-coming novel writer, this Dramatic explores the United States justice system and how its merciless policies create the prison system we see today. With the story of Alexandra Drake, the stereotypical image of a “criminal” gets painted in a unique, more personal, and more tragic light.
Collarbone by Stephanie Christensen (12-15 min) Dramatic
$7.00Rosanella Moretti grew up with a love of food, especially because of its strong connection to her Italian roots. But with the words of her older brother haunting her, Rosanella shuns her own skin and develops an eating disorder. She diminishes her own self-worth to the visibility of her collarbones. This Dramatic explores the impact that words can have on someone, especially words coming from family. Full of honesty, this script demonstrates how bullying can double down on one’s negative self-perceptions, and exposes the pressures that the world puts on women to be skinny, even at a young age.
The Night Before by Stephanie Christensen (10-12 Min) Humorous
$10.00Younger siblings can lead to all sorts of messes. Sally- the younger sister of recently engaged Sandra- is infamous for her history of scatterbrained buffoonery, but her sister Sandra extends her trust to her anyways. A story of sisterly love, attempted redemption, and a ridiculous bachelorette party: The Night Before exemplifies the bond of “family first”. A script best suited for a mature performer and audience.
Yellow Birch by Stephanie Christensen (12-15 min) Duo Interpretation
$12.00Ellie is a stressed single mom and oncologist living in the year 2098. It is a year of environmental turmoil, with unbelievable toxicity in the air and staggering repercussions from decades of pollution. When her partner finds a prospective cure for leukemia, she is overjoyed, thinking it will save her daughter Lily. But upon learning that the cure would require chopping down thousands of birch trees, she must make a decision between the future of her family and the future of the country.
Aw Nuts! by Abram Sand (10-12 min) Humorous
$10.00A boy tries to get rid of peanut allergy after falling head over heels in love for a peanut fanatic. Along the way he meets a hippy shopkeeper obsessed with “herbal remedies,” an old witch who practices, “Legume Voodoo,” and even the ghost of George Washington Carver himself. In the end he discovers that this newfound love might not be all it’s cracked up to be. This also could be performed as a Duo.
Losing America by Stephanie Christensen (7-10 min, 1F) Humorous
$7.00In this humorous interpretation, young Arianna plays the role of an overzealous, politics-loving 18 year old finally earning the right to vote in the U.S. election. She expertly combats the skepticism and negativity of her prejudiced mother and lazy brother and refuses to give up on the theory of democracy. A political and social commentary on the state of the United States, this humor both pokes fun at America and shares the message to fight for what the country should be about–equality and compassion.
4 Senses by Stephanie Christensen (10-12 min, 1M) Dramatic
$7.00Alexander Vassenberg is a renowned chef who works in a French restaurant in Brussels. However, he is unique in his profession because he cannot see. A blind chef, he shares his passion for the culinary arts as he leads guests on a tour through the restaurant where he works. As he introduces them into his world, he is forced to resurface some of the trauma and pain of his own past and recognize that healing is a long, brave process.
I, Mom by Matthew Mills (10-15 min. Cut as needed. F)Comedy
$10.00Sarah’s mother has been acting strangely recently, leading Sarah to the only sensible conclusion: her mom’s a robot who’s infiltrated their home in order to ruin her life. But when Sarah attempts to prove to the world her mother’s bionic nature, the truth she discovers is even more extraordinary than she had imagined.
Monologue 150 by Matt Fox (10-15 min. Cut as needed. F) Dramatic Monologue
$7.00A monologue by an unnamed British girl. The day of the monologue is the day she has reached 150 in a mysterious countdown, the nature of which is unknown at the start of the piece. As the monologue goes on, the audience is slowly informed that she is sitting in a Texan prison on death row. Through the monologue she reveals what she did to warrant this situation and the true nature of her character. 150 being the number of days she has left until her execution.
Wild Things by Dee Cliburn (7-10 min, F) Dramatic
$7.00Angel, short for Angelina Margaret, is a teenager whose life has moved too fast, with a fisherman father who is gone, now — took her little brother with him. “You can’t have ’em both, was what he yelled when he took Joey and left.” What’s the use of a girl?
Trips to Wal-mart by Debbie Cavanaugh (10-12 min. Cut as needed, F) Dramatic
$7.00This dramatic yet humorous monologue is the story of a girl who must face her family duty of helping her Grandmother.
The Wrong Kind of Nightmare by Pamela Love (10-12 min. Cut as needed. M or F) Dramatic
$7.00After witnessing the death of a baby, the speaker has spent a year mentally reliving the accident. But whose fault was it? Just out of mind’s reach lies a vital clue. In this dramatic monologue, filled with anger, grief, and finally shock, mysterious dreams hold the key to what really happened.
The Normal One (10-12 min. Cut as needed, F) Dramatic
$7.00Annie is a normal teenage girl, but “normal” is the last word anyone would use to describe her brother Elliot. This dramatic monologue peeks into the joy, love, anger, and fear that go along with having a sibling with special needs.
Special Request by Patrick Bates (10-12 min. Cut as needed. F) Humorous
$7.00A young performer uses her acting skills while waiting tables to land a role of a lifetime.